How to compile feram

This document describes how to compile feram for your computers. Version and date of installation is written in parentheses ().

Table of Contents:


Modern Linux distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS, etc.) have their packages of these software required to compile feram. Check their versions with --version option, e.g. make --version, fftw-wisdom --version, etc. You can install them with package managers (apt-get, yum, etc.).

Useful software

These software are useful for executing feram and analyzing calculated results.

Requirements for developing feram

Quick compilation

If you have all the required libraries, follow this quick compilation instruction.

$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz   # If you do not have the latest tar(1),
                                # $ xz -cd feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz | tar xf -
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ mkdir build-gfortran-4.8      # Use a build directory.
$ cd $_
$ ../configure --help
$ ../configure
$ cd src
$ make -j --max-load=10.0
$ ls -l feram*
$ make feram_mpi                # OPTIONAL. mpif90 is required.
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 make check  # OPTIONAL
$ sudo make install             # OPTIONAL. feram and tools are installed into /usr/local/bin/.
$ cp -r ../../src/27example-BaTiO3-new-param-E_wave .
$ cd 27example-BaTiO3-new-param-E_wave
$ ../feram 360cos.feram 360sin.feram
$ gnuplot  # plot a hysteresis loop

If you installed FFTW3 into your home directory, specify CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS for configure.

$ ../configure FC=gfortran CPPFLAGS=-I/home/takeshi/include LDFLAGS=-L/home/takeshi/lib


Debian 7.x and 8.x and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS and 20.04 LTS (feram-0.26.04, 2021-02-13)

FFTW3, ATLAS libraries and GNU Fortran (gfortran) can be easily installed into Debian 7.x (Wheezy) GNU/Linux systems or Ubuntu systems with apt-get(8) command. See or .

install required packages

$ sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev gfortran libfftw3-dev gnuplot ruby make
$ sudo apt-get --purge remove liblapack-dev liblapack3 liblapack3gf

compile feram

$ tar xf feram-0.26.02.tar.xz
$ mkdir feram-0.26.02/build-with-gfortran
$ cd feram-0.26.02/build-with-gfortran
$ ../configure && make -j --max-load=10.0
$ make check   # OPTIONAL

Fedora 21 (feram-0.22.05, 2014-11-05)

FFTW3, BLAS and LAPACK libraries and GNU Fortran (gfortran) can be easily installed into Fedora systems with yum(8) command. See .

install required packages

# yum install gcc gcc-gfortran
# yum install fftw-devel blas-devel lapack-devel gnuplot csh ruby
# yum install autoconf.noarch automake.noarch libtool subversion   # For developers

compile feram

$ tar xf feram-0.22.05.tar.xz
$ mkdir feram-0.22.05/fedora21
$ cd feram-0.22.05/fedora21
$ ../configure && make -j --max-load=10.0
$ make check   # OPTIONAL

CentOS 7 (feram-0.26.02, 2016-10-10)

FFTW3, BLAS and LAPACK libraries and GNU Fortran (gfortran) can be easily installed into CentOS 7 systems with yum(8) command.

install required packages

# yum install gcc gcc-gfortran fftw-devel blas-devel lapack-devel gnuplot csh ruby
# yum install autoconf.noarch automake.noarch libtool subversion   # For developers

compile feram

$ wget
$ tar xf feram-0.26.02.tar.xz
$ mkdir  feram-0.26.02/CentOS7
$ cd $_
$ ../configure
$ make -j4
$ make check   # OPTIONAL

CentOS 6.x (feram-0.24.02)

CentOS 6.x can be installed to your x86_64 system with DVD or CD-ROM images in .

check the version of gfortran and GNUPLOT

Default version of gfortran in CentOS 6.x is 4.4.6. However, you need gfortran-4.8 or higher to compile feram. Please install the latest GCC.

$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.8.3 ...

To `make check`, you need version 4.6 or 5.0 of GNUPLOT.

$ gnuplot --version
gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 7

install fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz

$ tar zxf fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz
$ cd fftw-3.3.4
$ mkdir CentOS6
$ cd CentOS6
$ ../configure --prefix=/usr/local --libdir=/usr/local/lib64 --enable-openmp --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-avx --enable-shared
$ make -j4
$ make check
$ su
# make install
# exit

install BLAS and LAPACK

$ su
# yum install blas-devel lapack-devel
# exit

compile feram

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ tar xf feram-0.24.02.tar.xz
$ cd feram-0.24.02
$ mkdir CentOS6
$ cd CentOS6
$ ../configure --help
$ ../configure
$ make -j4
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=6  make check   # OPTIONAL
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 make check   # OPTIONAL
$ ls -l src/feram
$ ldd   src/feram

Linux with Intel Fortran Compiler and FFTW library

It would be better to use Intel Fortran (ifort) version 15.0.2 or higher. If you are using version 14.0.2 of Intel Fortran (ifort), the FFTW3 libraries should be compiled with icc or gcc version 4.6 or lower to avoid missmatch of ABI.

$ . /opt/intel/bin/ intel64     # Put these two lines in your
$ . /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64   # ~/.bashrc or somewhere.
$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ ifort --version
ifort (IFORT) 14.0.2 20140120
$ mkdir ifort-14.0.2-FFTW
$ cd    ifort-14.0.2-FFTW
$ ../configure --help
$ strings /home/t-nissie/Linux-x86_64/lib64/libfftw3.a | grep GCC | uniq
GCC: (GNU) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3)
$ ../configure FC=ifort CPPFLAGS=-I/home/t-nissie/Linux-x86_64/include LDFLAGS=-L/home/t-nissie/Linux-x86_64/lib64 --with-fft=fftw3_omp --with-lapack=mkl
$ cd src
$ make -j --max-load=10.0
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/t-nissie/Linux-x86_64/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
$ ldd feram
$ make feram_mpi                 # OPTIONAL. mpif90 is required.
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 make check   # OPTIONAL

Linux with Intel Fortran Compiler and FFTW wrappers in Intel MKL

Currently, feram-0.23.?? and feram-0.24.?? compiled with this method is VERY SLOW, because fftw_plan_many_dft_r2c() and fftw_plan_many_dft_c2r() in Intel MKL 11.2 are not optimized.

$ . /opt/intel/bin/ intel64     # Put these two lines in your
$ . /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64   # ~/.bashrc or somewhere.
$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ ifort --version
ifort (IFORT) 14.0.2 20140120
$ mkdir ifort-14.0.2-MKL
$ cd    ifort-14.0.2-MKL
$ ../configure --help
$ ../configure FC=ifort CPPFLAGS="-I$MKLROOT/include/fftw" --with-fft=mkl --with-lapack=mkl
$ cd src
$ cp SOMEWHERE/fftw3.f03 .
$ make -j --max-load=10.0
$ make feram_mpi                 # OPTIONAL. mpif90 is required.
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=6 make check   # OPTIONAL

Super computers

HITACHI SR16000 with IBM xlf90_r, FFTW 3.3 and dsyevx in ESSL (libesslsmp)

IBM XL Fortran (xlf90_r) version 14.01.0000.0012 or higher is required. (Without XL Fortran for AIX Fix Pack 12 (August 2015 Update) for 14.1, you cannot compile src/coord_module.F correctly. See .)

$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ mkdir SR16000-xlf
$ cd SR16000-xlf
$ xlf90_r -qversion   # Displays the official compiler product name and version information
$ ../configure FC=xlf90_r CPPFLAGS=-I/sysap/fftw_xlc_simd/include LDFLAGS=-L/sysap/fftw_xlc_simd/lib --with-lapack=essl
$ cd src
$ grep -v cppoptions /etc/xlf.cfg.71 > myxlf.cfg   # Enable C-style comments
$ mv Makefile Makefile~
$ sed 's/DEFS = -DHAVE_CONFIG_H/DEFS = -WF,-DHAVE_CONFIG_H -Fmyxlf.cfg/' Makefile~ > Makefile
$ make -j10
$ MALLOCMULTIHEAP=true XLSMPOPTS="spins=0:yields=0:parthds=32:stride=2:startproc=0" make check   # OPTIONAL
$ make feram_mpi   # OPTIONAL

Fujitsu Kei and FX10 with their cross compiler frtpx and mpifrtpx

$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ mkdir Kei
$ cd Kei
$ ../configure FC=frtpx --with-fft=ssl2 --with-lapack=ssl2 --host=Kei   # use --host=FX10 for FX10
$ cd src
$ make
$ make feram_mpi   # OPTIONAL


On Windows OS, you can use feram through Cygwin or MinGW.

Through Cygwin of gnupack (feram-0.26.02, 2016-10-09)

We install Cygwin with gnupack . Then, we install gfortran, FFTW3 and LAPACK packages with apt-cyg command. Then, we compile and execute feram.

Downlaod and install gnupack

Download the latest self-extracting archive gnupack_devel-13.06-2015.11.08.exe from and extract it into C:/ .

Install gfortran, FFTW3 and LAPACK

You can start a UNIX-like terminal with the startup_cygwin.exe command, then install software packages of gfortran, FFTW3 and LAPACK with `apt-cyg` command from the terminal.

# cd
# export LANG=C   # It may be unnecessary. Add it if apt-cyg does not work properly.
# apt-cyg update
# apt-cyg install gcc-fortran libfftw3-devel libfftw3-omp3 liblapack-devel gnuplot
# cp /usr/lib/lapack/cyg*.dll /usr/bin   # Copy DLLs under the PATH.
# gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.9.3
# cat > aaa.f
program aaa
write(6,*) 'asdf'
end program aaa
# gfortran -ffree-form aaa.f
# ./a.out

If you cannot properly execute `a.out` here, please try a pretest package of gnupak, gnupack-pretest_devel-2016.08.14.exe.

Compile feram

Now, let's compile and execute feram!

# cd
# mkdir -p f/feram
# cd f/feram
# wget
# tar xf feram-0.26.02.tar.xz
# cd feram-0.26.02
# mkdir Cygwin
# cd Cygwin
# ../configure
# make -j4
# objdump.exe -p src/feram.exe | head -n 12

src/feram.exe:     file format pei-i386

Characteristics 0x127
        relocations stripped
        line numbers stripped
        large address aware
        32 bit words

Time/Date               Mon Jan  5 05:19:47 2015
Magic                   010b    (PE32)
# OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 make check

Through MinGW (feram-0.22.06, 2014-12-29)

We compile feram on Windows 8.1 with MinGW and TDM64-GCC.

Install MinGW

Check MinGW (Minimalist GNU for Windows) homepage . Download mingw-get-setup.exe from . Execute mingw-get-setup.exe to install MinGW. You do not have to install C and Fortran compilers here. Select only "mingw-developer-toolkit". You can also select msys-mintty, msys-wget, msys-upzip, msys-zip, etc.

Add "C:\MinGW\bin;" to the PATH environment variable by opening the System control panel, going to the Advanced tab, and clicking the Environment Variables button.

Making a shortcut of

c:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\mintty.exe /bin/bash --login -i

on your desktop may be useful. You can do following compilations and installations on this mintty.

To add more packages, you can double-click "MinGW Install", select new packages, then apply changes. Or you can add packages with mingw-get:

$ mingw-get update
$ mingw-get upgrade
$ mingw-get install msys-mintty msys-wget msys-zip msys-unzip

Install TDM64-GCC

Because gfortran and OpenMP (mingw32-pthreads-w32) in MinGW cannot compile feram code correctly, we install and use TDM64-GCC. Go to . Download and execute tdm64-gcc-4.9.2-3.exe . Mark "fortran" and "openmp" in the TDM-GCC Setup. Make sure that "C:\TDM-GCC-64\bin;" is *before* "C:\MinGW\bin;" in the PATH environment variable. Check the version number of gfortran

$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (tdm64-1) 4.9.2

Install FFTW

Referring to , you can compile and install FFTW library as:

$ cd
$ mkdir -p work/fftw
$ cd work/fftw
$ wget
$ tar xf fftw-3.3.4.tar.gz
$ cd fftw-3.3.4
$ mkdir MinGW
$ cd MinGW
$ ../configure --enable-threads --with-combined-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-avx --enable-shared --with-our-malloc16 --disable-static --with-windows-f77-mangling
$ make   # Do not use the -j option.
$ make install
$ hash -r
$ fftw-wisdom --version   # Check its version.

Note that installed /usr/local/bin/libfftw3-3.dll does not have the OpenMP library, but the threads library.

Install BLAS and LAPACK

$ wget
$ tar xf lapack-3.5.0.tgz
$ cd lapack-3.5.0
$ cp
$ cd BLAS/src
$ make   # Do not use the -j option.
$ cd ../..
$ make   # Tests fail, but we do not care.
$ cp liblapack.a /usr/local/lib/
$ cp librefblas.a /usr/local/lib/libblas.a

Install feram

$ wget
$ tar xf feram-0.22.06.tar.xz
$ cd feram-0.22.06
$ mkdir MinGW
$ cd MinGW
$ ../configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib --with-fft=fftw3_combined_threads
$ make   # Do not use the -j option.
$ objdump.exe -p src/feram.exe

src/feram.exe:     file format pei-x86-64

Characteristics 0x27
        relocations stripped
        line numbers stripped
        large address aware

Time/Date               Sun Dec 28 17:45:01 2014
Magic                   020b    (PE32+)
$ make check

GNU Autotools

The latest autoconf and automake are required for developers of feram.

$ wget
$ tar xz autoconf-2.69.tar.xz
$ cd autoconf-2.69
$ mkdir MinGW
$ cd MinGW
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make install
$ hash -r
$ autoconf --version
$ wget
$ tar xz automake-1.14.1.tar.xz
$ cd automake-1.14.1
$ mkdir MinGW
$ cd MinGW
$ ../configure
$ make
$ make install
$ hash -r
$ automake --version

Ruby, GNUPLOT and Ghostscript

Use good installers for Ruby, GNUPLOT and Ghostscript.


Before everything, you have to install Xcode from Mac App Store. It is free of charge. Its Command Line Tools is also useful.

macOS has LAPACK and BLAS in /usr/lib/ by default.

Three ways of setting up software-developing environments on macOS are described below.

With MacPorts

The MacPorts Project's official homepage is . Install MacPorts, then install ports of gfortran and FFTW3.

$ sudo port install gcc12
$ sudo port select --list gcc
Available versions for gcc:
none (active)
$ sudo port select gcc mp-gcc12
Selecting 'mp-gcc12' for 'gcc' succeeded. 'mp-gcc12' is now active.
$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (MacPorts gcc12 12.2.0_2+stdlib_flag) 12.2.0
$ sudo port install fftw-3 +gfortran
$ wget
$ tar xf feram-0.26.04.tar.xz
$ cd feram-0.26.04
$ ./configure --help
$ ./configure LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include --with-fft=fftw3_threads
$ make
$ sudo port install gnuplot
$ make check

With Homebrew

Homebrew is an altanative way to install gfortran etc. into macOS.

$ brew install gcc --enable-fortran

Details will be comming soon.

From sources (feram-0.26.02, 2016-10-09)

You can easily compile the latest gfortran in GCC 6.2.0 package with Xcode and its Command Line Tools on macOS. And then, you can compile FFTW with gcc and feram with gfortran.

Install libraries for GCC

Basically, these libraries can be installed with configure && make && make install manner.

Install GCC

$ tar xf gcc-6.2.0.tar.bz2
$ cd gcc-6.2.0
$ ./configure CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -march=native -msse2" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -march=native -msse2" \
  --with-gmp=/usr/local --with-mpfr=/usr/local --with-mpc=/usr/local -enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,objc \
  CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install

Install FFTW3

$ tar xf fftw-3.3.5.tar.gz
$ cd fftw-3.3.5
$ mkdir Darwin
$ cd Darwin
$ ../configure --enable-openmp --enable-threads --enable-sse2 --enable-avx --enable-shared
$ emacs tools/Makefile   # Edit LIBFFTWTHREADS to link libfftw3_omp, not libfftw3_threads.
$ make -j4
$ make check
$ sudo make install

Compile feram

$ tar xf feram-X.YY.ZZ.tar.xz
$ cd feram-X.YY.ZZ
$ mkdir Darwin
$ cd Darwin
$ ../configure --help
$ ../configure
$ make -j2
$ ls -l src/feram
$ ldd src/feram
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 make check   # OPTIONAL